During AETDEW President Academician Dato Lee Yee Cheong’s visit to Beijing 10-13 July 2024 to attend the Confucius Aristotle Symposium 2024 organised by Professor Jeffrey Sachs of Columbia University, a AETDEW Fellows Dinner was organised by AETDEW Fellow Xie Ou for Dato Lee to interact with AETDEW Fellows in China. Dato Lee was very touched by the very kind gesture, especially AETDEW Fellows who travelled from Fukian, Shandong, Jiaoning, Zhejiang, Shaanxi, Hubei and Guangdong. Dato Lee stressed that AETDEW is a working academy not an honorific academy and urged all AETDEW Fellows to initiate programs and projects on the ground for the benefit of people in developing countries. Dato Lee was particularly impressed by new AETDEW Fellow Jenny Yan who pledges to train engineering and technicians in developing countries using China’s expertise and experience in infrastructure projects under the BRI. A great evening was had by all.
Dato Lee was most appreciative of AETDEW Fellows and prospective Fellows who were unable to attend the dinner but came to the hotel to meet up with him.