Establishing China-ASEAN Centre for Printing and Packaging Technologies

The President of the Chinese Academy of Printing and Packaging Technologies AETDEW Fellow Professor Qi Yuansheng met the President of UTAR AETDEW Fellow Professor Datuk Ewe Hong Tat in Guiyang during the China ASEAN Education Week last year and agreed to set up the China ASEAN Institute for Printing and Packaging Technologies in UTAR. Dato Lee supported and made it an AETDEW project.

AETDEW Secretary General Louis Tay and Dato Lee made a visit to Vivar Printing Sdn Bhd in Rawang to meet AETDEW Fellow Cheong Kok Wai, the Vivar Managing Director and to look over the facilities. Kok Wai had last year initiated the setting up of the ASEAN Printing and Packaging Technology Training Centre with Professor Qi Yuansheng.

Both were very impressed by the ultra modern and comprehensive facilities there. Dato Lee was particularly impressed that it’s clientele is international including National Geographic and Cambridge University Press and many more. The need for the China-ASEAN TVET Centre was made plain when Kok Wai informed that he is making his enterprise AI enabled at the recommendation of Professor Qi. Kok Wai agrees with Professor Qi that it will improve the efficiency of his enterprise by 30%.

Dato Lee suggested to Kok Wai that he should meet up with Datuk Professor Ewe Hong Tat to brief him about the printing and packaging industry in Malaysia, ASEAN and China and how digital technologies are transforming the industry.

Kok Wai and Dato Lee met Professor Datuk Ewe at UTAR on 4 July. It was agreed that Madam Li Guat Yen, Director, UTAR Centre for Corporate and Community Development will lead a UTAR team to Vivar Sdn Bhd to discuss the details of setting up the China-ASEAN Centre. Dato Lee will meet up with Professor Qi to get his ideas about the course contents in Beijing next week.

The China-ASEAN Centre for Printing and Packaging technologies will be launched in October 2024 during Professor Qi’s visit to Malaysia.

Dato Lee is very pleased that after the exchange of village visit project, this is the second AETDEW project to bear fruit during the 50th Anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relation between China and Malaysia. He is hopeful that other projects will have the first programs in Malaysia this year.